Often when setting goals we fall into a trap that is all to easy to avoid...
There is one simple trick we can utilise to help increase success rates and ensure we are more likely to not only stick to our goals but achieve them too.
This trick requires zero effort but has huge benefits.

It's so simple it seems like it would make no difference at all, but in practice the shift in mindset this simple tool causes has amazing outcomes.
The trick is to frame our goals in the positive.
That is to say that when we think, talk and act on our goals we need to use positive language to frame them.
The simplest example is the classic client desire to 'lose weight'.
This is a perfect example of framing a goal, a perfectly legitimate goal, in the negative.
Automatically, it frames the goal as something negative, something we are losing, something we are detracting from our life.
A simple switch is to frame that goal in the positive: 'I want to be stronger, I want to feel healthier, I want to be fitter'.
It's the same essential goal, but the simple trick of reframing that goal into something positive ensures out minds see it as a positive, something to be gained rather than something to be lost.
By doing this one simple thing we make that goal seem more attractive and increase our motivation to achieve it.
It really is that simple!
The added benefit is the sense of infinity in a positive goal when compared to the finite nature of the negative.
'I want to lose weight... Two stone should do it!' well once that's been achieved, what then? Back to our old lifestyle and way of thinking? A negative goal always has a finite end point, a stage when we can stop trying.
Compare that with 'I want to be fitter' - the goal is infinite we can always get even more fit than we are (within reason, obviously!)
The positive framing makes it easier for long term change rather than short term success.
So give it a try today. Take a goal you have and make sure the language you associate with it treats it like a value to be added.
Frame it in the positive.
Be lucky x
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